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Date: 2022/2/21 - 2022/2/26

Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall 1 & Hall 2 (TaiNEX 1 &TaiNEX 2)






Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI)
Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association (TMBA)


Show Info


Exhibit Profile:

Metal Cutting Machine Tools

Machine Tool Parts, Components and Accessories

Cutting Tools and Accessories

Stamping, Foundry, Forging Machines

Sheet Metal Processing Machines

Tube and Wire Processing Machines

Welding and Surface Treatment Equipment

Controller, Software and Design Engineering, Robotics and Automation

Inspecting, Measuring and Testing Equipment

National Pavilion and Association


Opening Ceremony

Virtual Display (Feb. 21 till March 21, 2022)

On-site Guide for Online Visitors

Live Tour @ Showground

Online 1-on-1 Procurement Meetings


Free admission for trade visitors registered online or onsite

*Persons under 12 years of age will not be admitted into the showground.



Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)

Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI)

Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association (TMBA)



Exhibition Department, TAITRA

Show Manager: Mr. Wolfgang Tang ext: 2619

Publicity Manager: Ms. Belinda Chen ext. 2618

Tel: 886-2-27255200

Fax: 886-2-27251959






TIMTOS x TMTS 2022祭六大攻略 搶國外商機


Date: 2022/01/10


由國內兩大工具機展首度結盟辦理的「TIMTOS x TMTS 2022」聯展,將於2月21日至26日在台北南港展覽1、2館盛大舉行,集結近940家參展廠商使用5,200個攤位,作為疫後臺灣最大規模展覽、亦是今年初全球工具機產業最大盛事,備受各界期待。而為突破邊境管制,外貿協會經歷2年疫情的虛實演進,精確掌握參展商及參觀者媒合需求,祭出服務國外買主6大加強作法,內容包括:線上展TIMTOS x TMTS Online、行動採洽、展場直擊、全球機械採購大會、媒體帶你看展及媒體遠端導覽,協助兆元機械產業全面搶攻疫後復甦商機。


而為讓參展廠商無痕接軌線上參展環境,外貿協會已於1月6日辦理TIMTOS x TMTS線上展Workshop,近兩百家參展商線上參與互動熱烈,外貿協會表示,參展廠商了解虛實並行的必要,且經過疫情的考驗,都已相當熟悉數位工具,外貿協會也將透過全球駐外單位大力推廣,與參展廠商同心齊力搶攻國外商機。

TIMTOS x TMTS 2022已開放國內外訪客預登參觀(,歡迎各界共襄盛舉,更多展覽最新訊息及線上線下活動詳情,請鎖定官網及社群粉絲頁。



外貿協會展覽業務處 展一組 陳柏慧

02-2725-5200 #2618



外貿協會展覽業務處 黃馥玲副處長

02-2725-5200 #2302


Taiwan’s Largest Trade Show Since Outbreak of the Pandemic to Open Next February


Date: 2021/12/27


Taiwan’s Largest Trade Show Since Outbreak of the Pandemic to Open Next February

Top Industry Leaders Endorse the Mega Show at Global Press Conference


TIMTOS x TMTS 2022, Taiwan’s largest first and only co-branded machine tool show, will be held in Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 and 2 from February 21 to 26, 2022. A total of 900+ exhibitors will pack the exhibition halls with 5,200 booths. Notably, it will be not only the largest trade show in Taiwan since the outbreak of the pandemic, but one of the most significant events for the global machine tool industry in early 2022.


In an international press conference for TIMTOS x TMTS 2022 held on Dec. 2, 2021, the organizers, James C. F. Huang, Chairman of TAITRA, Larry Wei, Chairman of TAMI and Wen-Hsien Hsu, Chairman of TMBA sat side by side with two industry giants, Jimmy Chu, Chairman of Fair Friend Group and Jui-Hsiung Yen, Chairman of TTGroup, making an insightful panel discussion on the theme “Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities for Global Machine Tool Industry after The Pandemic.”


Chairman Huang of TAITRA said that Taiwan plays a crucial role in supporting the global machine tool supply chain, as Taiwan is renowned for its customization and innovation. What’s more, Taiwan’s expertise in communications and information technology enable Taiwan machine tool manufacturers to develop the best solutions for end users around the world. Huang also pointed out that the TIMTOS x TMTS mega show will be showcasing a wide array of R&D outputs of high profile manufacturing from Taiwan Team.


TAMI Chairman Wei added that the previous supply chain has been fundamentally changed since the global pandemic has created an opportunity for Taiwan players to explore new businesses in the post -pandemic era.


Meanwhile, Chairman Hsu, TMBA, encouraged continuous progression toward intelligent manufacturing, SaaS and interface unity. The co-branded event, TIMTS x TMTS 2022, will be another eye-catcher, right after Taiwan machine tool industry’s outstanding performance in helping fight against the pandemic with great success last year.

The emerging industries, for example, electric vehicles have caused great impacts on the global machine tool supply chain to date. Jimmy Chu, Chairman of Fair Friend Group and Jui-Hsiung Yen, Chairman of TTGroup shared options and experiences about enterprise transformation in the wake of such opportunities and challenges, which fully demonstrated Taiwan companies’ resilience and flexibility when dealing with the supply chain issues.


Aside from Fair Friend Group and TTGroup, key exhibitors at home and abroad include HIWIN, PMI, Victor Taichung, YLM, SOCO, SHINBU, KAFO, CHMER, FANUC, MAZAK, YOU JI, TAKISAWA, YCM, TRUMPF, Delta, Mitsubishi, and Siemens.


The machinery industry has become Taiwan's third trillion-dollar industry, second to the semiconductor and panel industries. Total exports of Taiwan machine tools from January to October this year reached US$2,245 billion, a phenomenal increase by 27.6% over the same period last year. With increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates and growing demands, it is expected that Taiwan machine tool industry exports will hit a new record in the next few months.


In response to border control, TIMTOS x TMTS 2022 will launch a lineup of online services and activities in conjunction with the physical exhibition, including On-site Guide for Online Visitors, Live Tour @ Showground, Live Stage for product launches, virtual display, and online 1-on-1 procurement meetings.


The online registration for TIMTOS x TMTS 2022 visitors is available on the official website For updates on the latest, please visit the official website, or follow the show on social media.